Author Archives: Admin

BOOK REVIEW – Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War that Changed American History

Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger, Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War that Changed American History. New York: Sentinel, 2015. 238 pp. Review by Caitlin M. Gale, PhD Trinity College, Oxford Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates is … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – The Last Big Gun: At War and at Sea with HMS Belfast

Brian Lavery, The Last Big Gun: At War and at Sea with HMS Belfast. Oxford: Pool of London Press, 2015. 352 pp. Review by Joseph Moretz, PhD British Commission for Military History Readers of this forum familiar with London doubtless … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – The Second Pearl Harbor: The West Loch Disaster, May 21, 1944

Gene Salecker, The Second Pearl Harbor: The West Loch Disaster, May 21, 1944. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2014. 296 pp. Review by CPT Andrew Ziebell, USAResearch Assistant, National War College The Second Pearl Harbor is Gene Salecker’s commendable effort … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – 21st Century Ellis: Operational and Strategic Prophecy for the Modern Era

B.A. Friedman, ed. 21st Century Ellis: Operational and Strategic Prophecy for the Modern Era. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2015. 151 pp. Review by Brigadier Generals’ Julian “Dale” Alford and Austin “Sparky” Renforth, USMC It is often said that it is … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – American Naval History, 1607-1865: Overcoming the Colonial Legacy

Jonathan R. Dull, American Naval History, 1607-1865: Overcoming the Colonial Legacy. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012. 194 pp. Review by Howard J. Fuller, PhD University of Wolverhampton This is one of the newest works from historian Johnathan R. Dull, carrying … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – My Incredible Journey: From Cadet to Command

Peter Dingemans, My Incredible Journey: From Cadet to Command. Studley: Brewin, 2013.  224 pp. Review by Chuck Steele, PhD United States Air Force Academy As the title suggests, My Incredible Journey is an autobiography detailing the career of Rear Admiral … Continue reading

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View from the Quarterdeck: December 2015

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) of the U.S. Navy Admiral John Richardson attended the Tenth Regional Seapower Symposium for the Navies of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Countries in Venice, Italy, in October of 2015.  Participating in a panel discussion … Continue reading

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Water Scarcity, Conflict, and the U.S. Navy

Contents: Historical Precedent Scope of the Problem Yemen: A Case Study Prescription A Role for the Navy Appendix A: Maps Bibliography Christian Perkins 55th Annual Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference Domestic Category Prize Winner Historical Precedent Since its inception, the … Continue reading

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The Essence of Intelligence Work is Preparation for War: How “Strategy” Infiltrated the Office of Naval Intelligence, 1882-1889

Contents: “Little More than an Armored Target” The Strategical Awakening Early Developments in U.S. Naval Intelligence The Establishment of ONI ONI’s Strategical Mission Conclusions Scott Mobley University of Wisconsin—Madison “Little More than an Armored Target” Standing on a bridge wing … Continue reading

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Eyes of the Ospreys: An Analysis of RAF Coastal Command’s Operational Research Section in Counter-U-Boat Operations

Contents: Background on the Situation Courses of Action Taken Analysis of Results and Consequences Bibliography Timothy A. Walton Independent Scholar In his declaration of war, President Woodrow Wilson protested: “German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind.” 1 … Continue reading

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Inside the Archives: Hector Bywater and William Honan in the Naval Historical Collection, U.S. Naval War College

Scott Reilly Former Assistant Archivist U.S. Naval War College Newport, RI Hector Bywater’s life and work – as journalist, naval analyst, spy, and prophet of the Pacific War – largely escaped popular notice until 1970.  In that year, American Heritage published … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – Fabled Fifteen: The Pacific War Saga of Carrier Air Group 15

Thomas McKelvey Cleaver, Fabled Fifteen: The Pacific War Saga of Carrier Air Group 15. Philadelphia: Casemate, 2014. 240 pp. Review by LCDR Ethan Williams, USN United States Air Force Academy The 1944 combat performance of the U.S. Navy’s Carrier Air … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – The Royal Navy: A History Since 1900

Duncan Redford and Philip D. Grove, The Royal Navy: A History Since 1900. London: I. B. Tauris, 2014. 363 pp. Review by Joseph Moretz, PhD British Commission for Military History Writing a single-volume history of the navy which can claim … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – The Sea and Civilization. A Maritime History of the World

Lincoln Paine, The Sea and Civilization.  A Maritime History of the World.  New York:  Alfred A. Knopf, 2013. 784 pp. Review by Kenneth J. Blume, PhD Dept. of Humanities and Communication Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Lincoln Paine … Continue reading

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BOOK REVIEW – Into the Dark Water: The Story of Three Officers and PT-109

John Domagalski, Into the Dark Water: The Story of Three Officers and PT-109. Philadelphia: Casemate, 2014. 280 pp. Review by CPT Andrew Ziebell, USA Into the Dark Water is purportedly about PT-109 and the three officers, including John F. Kennedy, … Continue reading

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